Humanitarian Energy Co-Design Toolbox

Created by Outsight International
Enabling humanitarian energy practitioners to better understand and embed co-design processes

About this Project

This jumble of sectors, definitions, terminology, and complex systems makes it challenging for humanitarian practitioners to first, engage with co-design practices, second, to ensure that this engagement is meaningful, and third, to benchmark their own practices against others to ensure a complete understanding of where practices can be improved – this is an issue.


Outsight International, funded by EnAccess Foundation, has developed the Humanitarian Energy Co-Design Toolbox to support humanitarian (energy) practitioners with these three core challenges. 

This toolbox collects, collates, and categorizes co-design theory and practice across the humanitarian project cycle (the Data Layer) – making it accessible to practitioners through a highly curated database with graphic format (the Presentation Layer) including case studies, workshop agenda, slides, and guidelines (the Training Pack). From decolonisation and localisation to data collection and analysis methods to many more, this toolbox represents the state of the art in Transformative Humanitarian Practice.


By facilitating collaboration and knowledge sharing, the toolbox promotes the collective intelligence of diverse stakeholders, ultimately leading to the emergence of context-specific energy systems and services.


If you are a humanitarian practitioner working on energy projects, an energy access auctioneer, or a policy maker at the national and international level working on humanitarian or energy access topics, you should definitely check out this project.

How to Get Started

Introduction to Humanitarian Energy Access Co-Design: we recommend starting with this introduction for anybody new to the topic or with a limited understanding of it.

Toolbox & Training Pack How-To Guide: this guide will help you navigate the full toolbox and the training package, which allows you to explore each component and aspect of the humanitarian co-design toolkit. The package comes with the basic user interface to the database, the raw database, case studies, workshop agendas, slides, activities, and guidelines.

Do you already know about co-design in Energy Access and want to navigate the resources on your own? Explore the interactive toolbox here.

Co-Design Community Discussion

The Humanitarian Energy Co-Design Toolbox is built with an understanding that co-design practices evolve across a spectrum of approaches. Learn more and get in touch with the community via our Discord server.

Channel: #humanitarian-energy-codesign-toolbox


Visit the FAQ page to read the answer to these and other commonly asked questions about the Humanitarian Energy Co-design toolbox

Humanitarian Energy toolbox FAQs

Project Report

Meaningful Evolutions and Transformations – What’s Next for Co-Design?

Read more about the Humanitarian Energy Co-design Toolbox Project Report.